We all lie. Fact. The Art of Lying is an artistic exploration into how and why we lie to each other and to ourselves. Over the course of this ten-week project, street performances, interactive projects and public art works will be taking place in and around Taunton, Somerset, so keep checking for updates.
Also, click on the 'Research Page' tab to find links, videos & relevant reading.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Mini-Project 5 - Card Tricks

Duration: 20th November - ??? (Ongoing)

Card tricks are an interesting form of deception, in that the audience let themselves believe the lie that the magician is doing the trick through 'magic', when in fact they know that the performer has total control over what is happening. So with the help of Jean Hugard and Frederick Braue's book 'The Royal Road to Card Magic' I aim to master a good number of tricks, for use in future projects or everyday.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Mini-Project 4 - Radical Honesty

Duration: 16th - 20th November

For the next four days, I will be saying nothing but the truth. No sugar-coating, no editing; just the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I'll start now: I'm not looking forward to this.

What It Is To Tell The Truth

To tell the truth is to have no fear.
To tell the truth is to invite intimacy.
To tell the truth is to feel just.
To tell the truth is to step out of the dark.
To tell the truth is to relieve a certain pressure.
To tell the truth is to simplify or complicate.
To tell the truth is to expose oneself and lie naked.
To tell the truth is to meddle.
To tell the truth is to gift.